Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Ab Wheel is good, but what if you dont have one?

The Ab Wheel is an excellent tool for tightening the stomach muscles. Most people, though, find it difficult to use (especially those who have been away from the gym for a while). Here's a suggestion, if you have a chair with wheels that relatively roll smoothly, find a surface (unlike shag carpeting) that you can roll the chair back and forth easily. Kneel on the floor in front of the chair facing the seat and place your arms so that your elbows are resting comfortable on the seat. Now roll the chair forward than backward as far (and as comfortably as you can) for several reps (repetitions) to simulate what the Ab Wheel was designed for. You will find that your chair simulates the same motion and result. Stretch your abdominal muscles afterwards (to prevent possible abdominal cramping) by laying on your back and raising your arms above your head as far as you can. (Always consult your physician before any strenuous exercise)

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